Get your instant download with This product includes Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Twisted & The Twilight. Base game required. The top 3 reasons to play Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Twisted & The Twilight Pit Fighters of Hell's Deep (Rat Ogres): Comes with the Berserk ability and can be used to effectively combat terror units. Morskittar's Hellion (Mutant Rat Ogre): Capable of summoning a localized bombardment of warp lightning. The Thing Thing (Hell Pit Abomination): Has the ability to buff melee attack and weapon strength but rampages self in process. About Total War: WARHAMMER II - The Twisted & The Twilight This Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II introduces two new Legendary lords for the Skaven and the Wood Elves. Each leads their own faction and features new characters, units, unique gameplay mechanics and narrative objectives. The wild energies of the Great Vortex have torn a rift in the Dreaming Woods. Could this form the site of a Daemonic invasion? Sensing gre