Return to the magical world of Hogwarts on the 20th anniversary of Harry Potters first movie outing! In 2001, cinematic history was made with the release of Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone in what would become a multi-movie decade long series, which captured the hearts and minds of magic lovers around the world. Based on the classic novels from British author J.K Rowling, the plot follows a group of young magicians who become friends at the Hogwarts School of Magic and embark on epic adventures in a world filled with wonder. Beast Kingdoms long-standing development of high-end collectibles from the world of Harry Potter continues with the latest line up of 360-degree, Staging Your Dreams D-Stage dioramas. Enter the world of Harry Potter with recreations of classic scenes, as though they have popped straight out of the movie. The six-inch dioramas are made with high quality manufacturing and coloring techniques to vividly depict the young magician on his way to