Street Fighter - Ryu Savage World 5.5"" Action Figure ""Round 1! Fight!"" I think it""s safe to say that every 90s kid has fond memories of playing the Street Fighter II arcade when they were younger. For me, it was located down at the local fish and chip shop, and to be honest I probably spent more money on the arcade machine than I did on dim sims. Regardless, Street Fighter will hold a place in the hearts of us all, and now we can relive our favourite battles with Funko""s new line of Street Fighter Savage World Action Figures! Funko's new ""Savage World"" 5.5"" Action Figure line draws inspiration from the iconic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe figures of the 80s, taking us all back to the times when the only thing that mattered was what sugar-infested breakfast cereal we""d be eating. This epic wave features four of the game""s main characters; Ryu wearing his iconic white karate gi and red headband as he looks ready to unleash a Hadouken, Blanka (m