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In Gangster's Dilemma, you play a gangster eager to satisfy the Mob Boss' demands. Each round, you will secretly choose to loot one of the city's hot spots, in hopes of eluding the cops, avoiding other gangsters, and grabbing crates, art, jewels, gin, and cash when possible. But the cops are on patrol at all times and they randomly search those same hot spots. If caught in the presence of another gangster, do you pay bribes to the cops, stay silent, or rat out your fellow gangsters? What a dilemma! In Gangster's Dilemma, each player starts with an identical deck of Gangster cards, numbered 1-6 in their player color. One player randomly starts the game as the Cop and receives the deck of Cop cards, numbered 1-6. The goal of the game is to be the first player to score 21 or more points by collecting the right loot to trade in and fulfill the boss' demands. Each round, players will simultaneously choose a location to visit by selecting 1 of their 6 Gangster cards and pl