Get your instant download with This product includes Endless Space 2 - Supremacy The top 3 reasons to play Endless Space 2 - Supremacy Endless Space 2: Supremacy introduces the Hissho Major Faction to the game, as well as a new massive galactic platform available to all Factions: the Behemoth Ship. Claim new systems by establishing outposts, and develop your planets into feared stellar fortresses or fabulous utopias full of wonders. Collect Dust, luxuries and strategic resources that are tradable on the marketplace, discover amazing new technologies, and keep one step ahead of the competition through trade corporations and subtle diplomacy. About Endless Space 2 - Supremacy The Hissho are a military and expansion-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii. This new resource can only be replenished through combats is used to power special abilities. It also drives their empire Obedience which replaces happiness. Crushingly strong in offence, the Hissho will only fal