
  • $9.95
  • Delivery Time: 5 - 7 Business Days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


Party Game par excellence, Pass the Bomb is a fun and ... explosive word game. A deck of 110 double-sided cards with syllables and a bomb with a variable fuse between 10 and 60 seconds... and that's enough to spend many hilarious moments. A card is drawn, the first player activates the bomb and must say a word that contains the syllable shown on the card; then pass the bomb to the next player who in turn will have to say a word with the same syllable, different from the previous one. This goes on until the bomb explodes. The player who finds himself holding the bomb when it explodes will receive the card as a penalty. And to make it a little more complicated, a dice will tell you where the syllable can be used in the word. You must always be careful of the words spoken by other players: they can be disputed! And best of all, while the bomb is getting into your hands, someone else may have said the word you're thinking of!